At Snow Family Dentistry, we believe in helping our patients experience optimal health— in mind, body, and teeth.
Our commitment to improving health and happiness begins with looking at the whole and then taking a closer look at how each piece fits together. Dr. Snow, whose interest in health led him to achieve both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in nutrition science before enrolling in dental school, has added value to his approach as a top dentist in Mesa, Arizona. To this day, Dr. Snow’s practice includes a heavy emphasis on how the food we eat impacts the quality of our teeth and also the wellbeing of our whole bodies.
Complementing his science-based approach is his wife Lindsey Snow, a coach and a collaborator, whose passion is helping people become the best version of themselves. She can guide you to take charge of your health and happiness, aligning body and mind. She teaches how to stop being stuck and enjoy being in charge.

What is Smile Health?
Smile health is creating health and happiness for yourself by taking care of your body (emphasis on the teeth) – intentionally directing your mind and cultivating a grateful heart

Healthy Mouth, Healthy Body
Learn MoreYour thoughts are powerful: You create your experience
Learn MoreWe have Smiling Down to a Science!
Learn MoreCultivating a Grateful Heart
Learn MoreIntentional Food Choices
Learn MoreEverything is Connected
Naturally, we want to start with the dental side of things. The simple reality is that when you have more confidence in the appearance of your teeth, you are going to have a bigger, more winsome smile. Clean, white, straight teeth are crucial for ensuring an easy grin.
Part of that means promoting routine cleanings and good dental practices at home and taking care of concerns as they come up before they become bigger more painful costly problems later one. Dr. Snow is excellent at diagnosing what is going on in your oral health and making a plan for taking the best care of your smile! Embedded toxins or bacteria build up in your mouth can have adverse effects on your overall health. We are here to work in a health partnership with you that starts in your mouth and serves your body as a whole.
This connection between dental health and whole-body health is well-documented, with study after study confirming that individuals who have subpar oral health face a higher risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. Additionally, poor dental health is one of the primary warning signs for diabetes and for poor diabetes management. It is almost impossible to effectively manage diabetic symptoms without taking care of your teeth.
It is just like Dr. Snow always says: Your mouth is a window to the whole body. The state of your dental health has everything to do with your general wellbeing and with the confidence in your smile.
Everything begins in our minds and your thoughts have great power to create your experiences. Our brains are amazing gifts and learning to master and direct them helps us to create health and happiness. We give way too much credit to what’s going on around us- we have a lot more power than we are usually aware of to create on purpose. Lindsey is here to help create awareness, coach, and teach you tools how to live more intentionally and take charge of what you want to create.
Taking care of your mental health is just as important (if not more important) as the other efforts to take care of your body. Everything is connected and just as you do regular checkups with Dr. Snow and a daily hygiene routine at home, you need a plan to take care of your amazing brain. Your thoughts need your attention as well, they regularly need to be cleaned out and planned for. What thoughts are you going to believe? Which ones are you going to practice thinking on purpose because you get to decide! You get to choose your own adventure. A lot of the time we don’t feel like that is true, because we don’t always get to decide what happens in our lives but you are always in control of what you make it mean- how you experience everything that happens. Lindsey has got you covered and can guide you in the work.
Let’s be honest, your emotions and your thoughts tend to show up on your face (no matter how good of a poker player you may be); we want to help that beautiful authentic smile to shine through.
Set up a consultation with Lindsey to learn more.
There is so much fascinating science behind our smile.
In fact, the physical act of smiling can have a pronounced physiologic effect. When you smile, the facial muscles you employ will trigger the release of endorphins, the hormones associated with joy and happiness. Smiling actually alters how you feel about yourself and about the world around you; it is a physical act that allows you to create some happiness for yourself.
And in creating happiness for yourself, you may also be able to create happiness for others. This is something we have all experienced. When you see someone with a bright, cheerful smile, it is difficult not to respond in kind. By smiling more, you may produce the same effect in others, helping them improve health and happiness in their own life.
Once again, all of this is connected: positive, grateful smiles have a great impact on your mental and physical health. Study after study shows the positive impact smiling and mindfulness have on your overall health. We literally think, therefore we are. Our minds are powerful. Even when faced with physical pain, the way we think about it changes the chemistry in our brains and can alleviate or intensify the physical sensation of pain. When we take a deep breath in combination with directing our thoughts that create our emotions, we can manage anything that comes our way! We truly can genuinely smile no matter what is happening or not happening in our lives.
Gratitude does much more than improving the quality and quantity of when your smile makes its appearance. It can also create significant improvements to your overall physical and mental health. Science shows that taking the time to practice active gratitude can slow your heart rate and ease your stress. Studies show that when we are in a state of gratitude we access the part of our brain that has the ability to make long-term decisions in our best interest. Instead of only seeing the present moment and reacting, we can have a wider perspective that serves us. There is a very real sense in which positive, grateful smiles help you to be a healthier and happier person.
Gratitude is also something we must cultivate, grow, nurture and develop. It is a practice and a learned skill. Breathing, mediation, journaling, enjoying nature are all great ways we can cultivate a mindful space to connect our bodies and minds to appreciate and see the good in our lives.
This work of adding more gratitude in our lives is directly connected to our heart or the emotional center of our body. When we create space to feel and seek access to our own wisdom we can more fully experience the joy of being alive. We seek to inspire and encourage the cultivation of a grateful heart as an integral part of health and happiness.
Dr. Snow has always been fascinated by the biochemistry of nutrition- how the nutrients in our food react in the body. He studied and explored how the things we consume get broken down to serve our movement, strength, function, and overall health. Science shows a significant connection between our food choices on many aspects of health.
Every day we make decisions about the things we put into our mouths. Everything we consume has an impact on our bodies, that’s why it’s important to pay attention. The food we eat has a significant impact on our digestive health, our mood, our energy levels, and our physical appearance. And, of course, a diet that is heavy in sugary or acidic foods is more likely to result in cavities and bacterial build-up on the teeth.
You are an adult and allowed to eat or drink whatever you want. BUT the effect of that consumption is just science and math running their course to create your results. When we make decisions intentionally we can create the results for our health we desire on purpose. We are building our bodies with every choice. There is a ton of information out there about different versions of what a “healthy” diet looks like. Our philosophy is you are in charge of being the scientist running experiments on your body, you can test how things feel in your body and make adjustments accordingly. Using the higher part of your brain that has your long term interest in mind. You can create the results you want. We are here to guide you with tools and information to assist you in your journey of learning to take care of your health.
Learn More About Smile Health in Mesa, AZ
The Smile Health Couple is proud to assist individuals throughout Mesa, AZ to look and feel their best, and to embrace the holistic nature of smile health. In short, we are here to provide the dental care and the coaching you need to be your best self in mind, in body, and in teeth.
If you have any questions about smile health, or about the important role that dental hygiene can play in creating health and happiness, we welcome you to contact Snow Family Dentistry. We would love to talk with you further about all the ways in which your smile matters.